Monday, November 12, 2012

End of the Month : April Photo Post

What I did : Gyeongi Trip, Day trip Hike in the rain, Day in the Park
April was much more laid back after all the trips I had taken in March. Here are a few photos from the Gyeongi trip I didn't include in the last post, a small day trip hike in Chungju. Then at the end of the month we did a nice little day in the park. It was a gorgeous day :)

The day hike to Chunju was my fifth trip in a row with Seoul Hiking Group. The day was rainy and a bit cold for a spring day. It was suppose to be a sunny but the day before it started raining and it carried on for the whole weekend. I decided to not go on a hike and took a boat ride around the river in the area. It was a bit chilly on the boat but there was karaoke on the boat which was fun. After the trip a group of us went out with Warren, the man who plans the trips. It was fun and we got some awesome food in Hondae.

At the end of the month, it was warm weather and just a gorgeous day to be outside and enjoying life! I went out with Mckenna, Becca, and a bunch of others to the Olympic Stadium Park. We had some soju and wine in the park with other snacks. Mckenna's friend, Shawn, brought the dog with him to the park you see in the photos.

We went out afterwards as well and we were all a bit chilly!

THANKYOU TO ALL whose photos I am also using here. Thank you Bryan, Brittany, and Jiheon!

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