I am very sorry that I have been neglecting to update these past couple months! Ever since coming back from Singapore, I have been busy with work or trying to find a muse to write stories. In doing so, I have three months worth of Month in photos to do, photo posts on Singapore, and posts on the trips I have been on with Seoul Hiking Group. All in All, I have so much to write about and I am trying to use Picasa to upload photos easier and that has been anything but easy. If anyone knows of a much more friendly format for me to use to upload photos onto the blog, I would appreciate it!
I am doing really well right now and we are halfway through our Spring Term. I have a lot more kids than before, around 75 or so which is a good increase from winter where I had about 60 total between my 13 classes. I am also looking into if I want to stay another 6 months or longer. I really have NO plans on what I want to do after this year besides attending grade school eventually. Yet with the news I've been reading about the economy I am not so sure I am ready to return. It is really unbelievable to me that I have been here for 7 months and that I only five more monrths in my contract.
I have so far done four trips with Seoul Hiking Group, seeing a very great part of the Southern end of the penisula and doing a lot of hiking along with that. I am really enjoying these trips and have been meeting a lot of swell people from them. The weather has been gradually getting warmer which has been woderful and seeing all the cherryblossoms come out has made me miss being home and seeing nature come back to life there.
Here is my quick update and I hope that in the next couple of days to get my Singapore trip posts all squared away so they can be uploaded!