Well, it certainly has been a while since I posted! I had been busy figuring out a lot of things, relationships, friendships, and where the heck i was going to be once I graduated. I am very happy and lucky to have been given a position in AmeriCorps Vista in Manchester, NH. I am excited and nervous, since I'm starting in about two weeks. I have training and such coming up, so I'll be meeting all the other Vistas in the program with me. But here is a brief synopsis of what has been going on in my life!
1. I graduated from Marquette
2. I moved in with my parents, and was there for a month...
3. I have been working for my aunt in IL, taking care of my cousins...I'm trying to earn money so that I can buy a new laptop since unfortunately my Maccy is dying :(
4. I have a job! YAY! I'm super excited about it. Here is a small run down of what it entails
I will be working under the volunteer coordinator at a school in Manchester(I'm not giving to much specific specs, don't want anyone stalking or me getting the school in trouble). I will be put in charge of a portion of the volunteer opportunities for both the middle school and high school, and I'll be in charge of coordinating the annual Habitat for Humanity trip the high school does. I'll also be working with a program that resides in the school, called BreakThrough, which helps under privileged kids with school work and helps them stay on track to go to college. I already saw what a day looks like for their summer camp, which is how they start off the program in sixth grade. It follows them up through high school. I'll be helping with workshops, getting volunteers, and coordinating activities to get the kids excited and focused.
I am super excited to be starting soon and with my last week at my aunts. I was able to spend time with my boyfriend( :) ) and see friends who I hadn't had the chance to say bye to really when I left at the end of May. Living at my parents for the first month was super boring, but having now joined a gym, I am getting back into shape.
Now here are the ideas that I want to do with this blog. I have another, which I am going to be using to focus on building a writing repertoire and less of a day to day blog. That blog had originally been designed as a "Lessons Learned" and I'd like to continue it as such. As I graduated with my Writing Intensive Degree, I want to possibly use this blog to post stories/ chapters and also as more serious writing of essays and such. I would love to get into a MFA Creative Writing program, but I need to work on it first. I think I will start by posting a story I wrote awhile here in the next couple of days and then see how many people post feedback. I'd love for comments from some of the readers I have!
Anyway, this is starting to ramble so I must be getting hungry! I'll occasionally post on how my work is going and what I'm doing, but not so often I hope!
Enjoy your summer's everyone! It's almost over!